Social work practice with LGBTQIA populations :

Social work practice with LGBTQIA populations : an interactional perspective / editora, Claire L. Dente. - XIV, 301 páginas : ilustraciones ; 23 cm

Incluye índice. Incluye glosario.

Referencias bibliográficas: páginas 280-282.

Introduction: Backgrounds and Assumptions. -- Marriage Equality, Relationships, and Divorce. -- Families and Parenting. -- Adoption Considerations. -- LGBTQIA Youth and Social Service Systems. -- Education and Schools.

Social Work Practice with LGBTQIA Populations provides an overview of key issues for social workers working with LGBTQIA clients. Each chapter considers clients' experiences in different social and interpersonal contexts. This text encourages students to think critically about the barriers and discriminations clients might face in their lives and how social workers can be equipped to address these issues.


Trabajo social con bisexuales.
Trabajo social con gays.
Trabajo social con lesbianas.
Trabajo social con personas transgénero.

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